Tuesday, February 27, 2007
the 2 a.m theory
first. this one is clear and obvious. when driving, cell phones make people more distracted which of course makes them worse drivers and no longer in tune with the needs of others. a recent study (conducted i dont know where) by some researchers (none of which i know or can find) found that cell phone drivers exhibit the same driving patterns as drunk drivers. its true. tell your friends and neighbors. and drunk drivers arent courteous. unless you consider jumping the center median into oncoming traffic courteous. we here in garbage grove dont.
second. this one sort of goes with the first, but people are no longer kind leaders when driving. before, if someone was following you to a destination, you spent more time looking in your rear view mirror to make sure the person was still there than you did looking at the road. now, people dont even think twice about the person behind them because if they get lost, they can always call. most people would say that this is why cell phones are good, because people can call if they are lost, but life is just as tough for the trailing person. the leader would of course realize this if he didnt have a cell phone and was more courteous. of course the trailer can call if he is lost, but what about before that when he loses the person in front of him but isnt quite sure he is lost. its a miserable few minutes. then he realizes he is lost. has to call. realized he missed the exit and the leader has to stand outside the destination for 10 minutes guiding the trailer to the destination, all because the leader has a cell phone.
third. poeple are no longer punctual with cell phones. before cell phones people had to be on time. if you were going to be late, how could you ever let the other person know? you couldnt. so you left much earlier and made sure you were on time. its not that big of a deal to be on time. on time is out. you can call your friend and tell them you will be 5 minutes late. you dont worry about being late because 1) you know you can call him and tell him that you are running late so you know the person wont leave without you and 2) youre not worried about being late because even if the person has left your meeting point, you can just call and meet up with him whenever you get there.
fourth. people flake out more with cell phones. before, when plans were made over a house phone, once you committed and hung up the phone, you were on the hook. you couldnt get out of it. now, people know that they have until the last second to make the call and flake out. before, people might try and call and flake out, but if the other party had already left for the event, then people felt the obligation to go meet them there even if they didnt want to go. they had made the commitment so they had to follow through. now, people can break the commitment at any time. its this type of commitment breaking attitude that has led to the rise in the number of divorces in our country since 1999. the same year as the cell phone boom. also, most people are lazy by nature. with cell phones and it being so easy to break plans, people make plans, get lazy, give into temptation, make the call, cancel plans, stay at home and 'watch a movie' instead, eat snacks, grow fat, become obese, breed offspring, and eventually have to go on a subway diet and somehow give that annoying subway guy an even larger check than he's already making. seeing guys like him and wondering how much he makes each year off his lame commercials makes me nauseated. ok. we get it. you were huge. you ate one sub a week. starved yourself for the other 6 days. exercised a ton. lost weight and now your milking subway for your cheap story. seriously. go get another job already. apparently you lost weight but didnt lose your lazy work ethic you maintained all so well during your fat days.
fifth. people no longer notice strangers. gone are the days of 'good morning.' or saying hello to a person on the street. or seeing someone with their shoelace stuck on the railroad track and lending a helping hand before the train comes. yes. now all you hear from people on the streets is, 'dude, what happened last night?' or 'so, um. what is it that you have going on today?' (which is basically a way of saying, 'im incapable of interacting with other humans i dont know. im only making this call because i cant just observe the world around me and notice others. after this call ends, my heart will pound out of my chest and ill look nervously around the room until i place another call or someone calls me) or 'hey, how are you?' which is my favorite because i tend to respond to that one sometimes. i really love those awesome new ear pieces that match the belt accessories. those things are superb. especially because now you cant see the phone anymore so you have reason to think that the person is talking to you. but theyre not. of course.
with that all said: i love my chocolate phone. ive been very happy with it. i was hesitant at first, but rather pleased now. for those that dont know the story, here it is real quick: went to buy a new phone. checked out verizon. looked at the chocolate and surprisingly liked it a lot. i went to look at other stores and phone plans but didnt find anything. so i went to a different verizon store fully ready to buy this phone. asked the sales rep what he could tell me about the phone (even though i already knew since the other store's rep had already given me the 15 minute sales pitch), and the rep said:
'i dont really know. only teenagers buy that phone.'
me - 'oh (5 second pause). right. um...but is it a good phone?'
him - 'you know i dont really know. like i said, its just kids that want to buy the phone because they want to use it as an mp3 player.'
me - 'yeah ok. but do you know anyone that has it?'
him - 'no. well, i guess jim (another employee) over there has it. but thats only because he got it for free. i mean, seriously, its just the teenagers that get it.'
anyways, after that i just stood there awkwardly looking and pointing at other phones like i was interested. i then left and went to a different verizon store. i really wanted the phone, but after that last interaction i was seriously doubting my decision. so i called up my roommate zach who is still a teenager at heart (mainly because he still dates them) and had him meet up with me and give me some support in my purchase. purchase was made. songs were added. stevie was recorded. and the white chocolate and i have been jerks ever since.
Friday, February 23, 2007
oh, my love
Thursday, February 22, 2007
our gift to zach

so my roommate zach recently broke up with his girlfriend. he knew it was going to happen because he told me that she was treating him the way he treats girls before he breaks up with them. sure enough two days later she broke up with him. well, adam and i are really great guys and even better roommates. awhile ago adam and i crumpled up all of our papers from a semester of law school and dumped them in zach's room. i never realized how much paper i used in law school. zach filled 5 large trash bags cleaning up all the paper we threw in his room.
anyways, back to us being good guys. while standing in zach's room one day crumpling paper with adam and stuffing it into zach's pillow case, adam told me about an idea he had involving goldfish. as observant guys that care about our fellow roommate's well being, we figured zach was a little depressed and lonely without britney and that now was an opportune time to buy zach some friends.
we didnt know how many new friends zach needed, so we settled on 40. we went to petco and asked for 40 fish. the man said he scooped up 40. we paid for 40. but when we got home we counted 93.

(note: adam and i both agreed that this was the biggest deal/steal/bargain giveaway/whatever you want to call it of our lives and probably of the history of greater garbage grove community. granted, we really on received only about $4.00 of free merchandise, but we paid for 40 goldfish and received 93! this isnt like paying for 12 donuts and getting a bakers dozen. this was buying 40 of one item and receiving 93 of that item. its just unfortunate we were dealing with goldfish and not cars or diamonds or ivory tusks)

so we placed them in cups and then placed them in their new home, which was all over zach's room. petco gave us one dead fish, so we taped it on zach's door to welcome zach to his room when he got home. one fish, in the james dean cup, went on a suicide mission and lept out of the cup. coincidence? fate? not sure. ironically, not all of the fish in the anna nicole cup died by the next day. unfortunately all of the ladanian tomlinson fish made it through the night. i guess it didnt matter much as zach barbarically sent them all down the toilet the next day. he hardly appreciated all that adam and i did for him. zach did keep one fish, the one that survived a flush. he scooped it out of the toilet and kept let it die in his room in a cup. randomly, later that day long after all the fish had been sent to their death, a few showed back up in the toilet bowl. i dont know where they came from or how they survived. i think they are a representation of zach and britney. she came back. they got together for a week so that he could then dump her. he did. but since that point, there have been many flushes, and just when adam and i think its all over, suddenly we see her swimming back up the pipes or zach will randomly come home late and say he was with britney. apparently though they 'arent dating.' they are just in that post break up stage where they function exactly like a couple but insist to everyone and each other that they are 'not an item' and are 'dating other people.' what a fun time for them. i know zach is enjoying not understanding his relationship status. almost as much as the fish loved the toilet. but hey, that is where britney lingers.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007
stevie wonder

anyways, here are two photos from the day. the one photo is of stevie (we are on a first name basis) and my judge shaking hands with mayor villagairosa standing in the background. the other picture is at the lunch reception after the council meeting. i also recorded stevie singing happy birthday.
Stevie Happy bday
Video sent by kentisrad13
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
'shot down, in a blaze of glory'
ah the joys of dating and meeting people. so i just had a phenomenal dating, well, continued interaction with a girl over an extended period of time experience. so there is this mildly to extremely attractive girl in my ward. we had spoken a few times in the past. i didnt see any point in pursuing anything because she looked like she was about 19. one sunday, while briefly talking, i found out she was actually 24. suddenly, she became fresh prey, and the hunt was on.
so after church i approached her as we were both heading to our cars in the parking lot. i cant even remember my opening line, all i remember is that pretty much from the beginning I was completely transparent with my intentions. eventually we started talking about a '24' gathering or party and i mentioned that i didnt know the person that hel the gatherings. she made some quip about me being in the ward for less time than her but knowing so few people. i responded in my head that the ward is lame and that she must be too if she is proud of knowing more people than me. i have learned to not insult women when i am trying to ask them out. so while i was tempted to throw a dry remark out there to see if she would even catch it, i instead said that one of the reasons that i know so few people is that unlike her, i never dated anyone in the ward. she then said that the guy she was dating moved away and they only dated for about a week anyways. i then asked if she was still dating him. now, this is my first blatantly obvious sign to her of where i was leading this conversation and what i really wanted from her. action. she said no. i then asked if she was dating anyone at all right now. my second indication of my intentions with her. im being so obvious i might as well write on a stick, 'im about to ask you out' and hit her with it. she once again said no. so I then said that we should go out sometime. i was really being generous and not wanting to scare the girl off. while i was pretty much asking her out with that line, i still gave her a window to make up a reason as to why she couldn't go out, if she didnt want to. but she must be slow on her feet because she said that it would be fun to go out sometime. i got her number and made sure it wasnt some bogus guy rejection line and told her i would call her that week. she said fine.
so the next day i made the call the next day. i should have adhered to the counsel in 'swingers' and waited 4 days, but i didnt. not that it would have mattered. she didnt answer. i left a message. also a bad move because i put the ball in her court. also didnt really matter. she didnt call back, but a few days later i did! (idiot move, i know). she still didnt answer. this time i didnt leave a message and just thought it was strange she gave me her number in the first place, but that it was short lived and over. then, 4 days later, when my heart had finally healed, she called. i was shocked. she gave me a long story about how she got kicked out of her apartment and had to move that week etc. etc. a decent excuse. i didnt listen to all of it because i couldnt help but think about the enormous amounts of stuff she must have had if she didnt even have time to make a single phone call. but i tried not to be bitter and she said we should go out next week. i agreed and told her i would talk to her tomorrow at church and we could set something up.
the next day i of course didnt talk to her because that seemed like a smooth thing to do, and im not smooth. also, zach, my dating coach wasnt there so i didnt have a game plan mapped out. so i just avoided her and called her the next week. this is getting long. let me condense and speed it up. i called, no answer, so i left a message. this time i didnt even get a phone call response, but a text message instead. she said she couldnt this week because she was at a work conference all week. i saw her at church. we talked a bit. i practiced being a lawyer on her by trying to get her to mix up her bogus statements and call her out on the lies she was feeding me. instead we set up to go to a hockey game. i said there was one on Saturday. she told me her weekends were too valuable to waste on me and asked if there was one on a weekday. i told her i would look into it. i did, i called her and told her answering machine about it (she never once answered a phone call from me). days later she called back. said the game sounded fun and asked if i wanted to go. i laughed. should have said 'no, because i know you dont want to go.' but, im weak...and she is 'mildly' attractive, so i agreed. bought tickets. called her yesterday to confirm. no answer. left message. she called today. canceled.
i cant exactly remember the work related excuse she gave me but she did finally say that life was just hectic for her right now and she would prefer something more casual. i guess she couldnt afford renting a gown for the hockey game. oh well. i told her whatever and that if she ever wanted to do anything for her to call me. she told me she would, her nose grew a bit and then she hung up the phone.
so, dating rules. i took my buddy chase. the game was great. hockey live is great. its intense. really fast-paced. very physical. and just a good time. highly recommend it. as for the girl. i dont know really how to end the story. granted, she ended it. many times actually. though, in my defense, i really only asked her out the first time. whenever she canceled plans, she honestly brought up or suggested getting together at a later date. if compared to 'arrested development' its like when gob tries to break up with his wife but by the end of the conversation he ends up being the one that says they should stay together. she was the gob in our interactions. every time she called she probably had full intentions of ditching me for good, but somehow couldnt seal the deal (yes, i sell seals!). im sure when she hung up the phone she was mouthing to herself, 'what am i thinking.' (i cant find the clip to this scene. im looking for it and ill post it when i can - karl, but i need to go to bed).
anyways, there is only so much humor you can get out of a situation and this utter was fast approaching empty. plus, i really don't mind getting rejected, it's a part of meeting people i have come to accept and realize. i even realize that yes, it could and does even happen to me, but repeated rejection, from the same person, when I can easily avoid it, doesnt need to happen. i have way more pride than that. the strangest part of it all, is that when she was giving the reasons for canceling, she sounded so sincere. and, im a little bummed this didnt happen. probably because i declared her as prey and i didnt make the catch. she outran me. its also blatantly obvious i had a little interest in this specimen. which im sure has been clear to anyone that has made it through this rant and rave. it is pretty clear. i put myself out there repeatedly and got burned repeatedly. i did so because i kept thinking at some point she would throw me a bone and let me break the bank on her. tried to laugh off the situation for awhile so i could find humor in an already embarrassing situation. but there isn’t really that much humor in looking like a fool. dang.
so i have decided to describe all of my ladies and our interactions with songs. feel free to contribute to the list.
hoochie mama – cypress hill (now im just being bitter)
why does my heart, feel so bad – moby
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Monday, February 12, 2007
jack bauer hour of power

so tonight is a 2 hour event. i came in for the last 10 minutes of the first hour. i asked zach what was going on, he replied he wasnt sure because they just turned it on. adam said, 'i think jack is diffusing a bomb. its probably nuclear.' very true. why would jack spend his time on anything else? now, i missed the whole episode so i cant really rip on it...yet i just walked in on the climax of jack diffusing the bomb, but something about knowing that keifer renewed his contract through 2050 or something like that, just makes it not as intense, knowing jack cant really die.
alright, lets do hour 2:
- i like how there is really only about 20 important lines of each episode and they replay those at the beginning of the next episode. i really dont feel like i have missed anything. actually, im sure i havnt.
- isnt there a threatened or actual impeachment or assassination of the president in every season? though i think there might be something 'motivating' fox, beyond just suspensful plot lines, to kill off this president. imagine if they assissinated this president. both palmer brothers, black presidents, killed. next season there will be a woman president that will be kidnapped. go through emotional struggles and unable to continue and will step down from office. 24 - brought to you by the rudy guiliani campaign fund.
- danielle (adam's finacee) just brought him over 'something really cute' wrapped up. its the most exciting part of the episode so far. it was a framed, decorative collage of pictures of them, with hearts and other cute things.
- a russian bad guy? the evil soviets. i hope they start another cold war, and then jack can singlehandedly end it (in a day) and be the new rocky for gen x.
- jack is so noble. killing and then forcing his superiors to punish him. i bet jack is put on probation or something. he wont be allowed to go out into the field. dire circumstances will arise. bill buchanan will struggle to know what to do. he will finally tell jack to please go save the day. jack will agree and in the last minute all will be saved.
- we are all so bored. they have to be building up to something crazy at the end of this.
- adam: in reference to the sister-in-law following her husband (jack's brother) to the house and spying on him because she thought he was having an affair but she overheard russian males so she left. 'maybe he was cheating on her...with the russian men.' good point. anything in 24 is possible.
- its so obvious that the grandfather is going to kidnap the grandson and hold him for ransom.
- the grandfather just alluded to kidnapping the boy and adam and zach just congratulated me on my prediction. i really want to take credit, but if you arent picking up on these things after watching the other 4 seasons, then you probably also enjoy shows like 'everybody loves raymond.' that or you probably have a third grade education. or you have been watching all of the seasons in a foreign language.
- is jack going to explode inside the house? last 5 minutes. something big HAS to happen.
- zach - 'i love how jack doesnt need tactical gear.' zach forgot that jack sees bullets coming at him in slow motion and has steel plated skin.
- looks like the house exploded but jack was the only one to make it out alive. good thing he was the one next to the large front window.
Sunday, February 11, 2007
the joys of dating
of course it doesnt really matter who ended the relationship. its over. perhaps it was a completely mutual break up just like on that 'seinfeld' episode. but pretending that didnt happen, it just illustrates the joys of dating. the joy being that in your own personal world and among all your friends, you never get dumped.
Thursday, February 8, 2007
Running list: Items that force you to spend a few extra bucks when buying
1. Razor - dry or electric. having a crappy razor is just frustrating.
2. Tattoo artist - dont have one. never will. but it just seems like something that would be worth spending a few extra bucks if it ensures that it will look good. you dont want to mess this up.
3. toilet paper - it really does make a difference.
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
the externship
most people arent really sure what it is i am doing all day at my externship. and since i have told roughly 3 people about this blog, i naturally thought the best way to inform people about what it is i do all day would be to blog about it. it makes sense. really, what i do is pretty simple. the judge receives motions from opposing parties. i am assigned one of the many motions that the judge receives. i read what is at issue between the parties and their arguments. i then research the law that applies to the situation and any applicable case law in the area. i then write a memo to the judge outlining what is at issue, what each side says, what the law says and then my opinion on the issue (which is really the clerks opinion). the clerks then look it over, edit it, heckle me a bit, criticize me for poor grammar, and sometimes even send me back to keep researching because i wasnt really on the right path. those are my favorite meetings with the clerks. when i research something forever, and then go and present my findings to them and they say, 'yeah. we already know that. what we need to know is..." anyways, once its all said and done, it is printed, given to the judge, he reviews it, changes it if necessary, and then signs it and its done. and then i start the process over again. super fun. ill write more on it later if people want other details. basically i just wanted to write about the judge.
this guy is an all-star.
really. he is. he is a phenomenal human being.
here is why. next month, l.a. mayor vishagarrrrrosa is honoring judge hatter for black history month. other notables to be honored at the ceremony/dinner. stevie wonder. and some other guy. and hellen keller. alright. not hk. but a definte yes on stevie. way cool.
plus, the judge is a season ticket holder to the lakers and usc football. he's a HUGE sports fan. we talk sports all the time. he's in his 70's and is always spouting off on how kobe bryant gets murdered out the court and the refs wont make any calls. its awesome.
why do i really like the guy though. he's just a great guy. those that know me, know that there are some people that everytime their name comes up in conversation, i cant help but say, 'man, he's such a great guy.' adam anderson for example. lloyd durden is another. anyways, i just realized the judge is one of them as well. the other day in court a man was being charged for once again violating his parole by taking illegal drugs. apparently this has happened multiple times. there was a short trial held and the man was found guilty. when it came time for sentencing, the u.s. attorney wanted 11 months in jail. the man's lawyer argued for less because the guy had maintained a job, he had an 8 year old child, and had complied with many programs etc. at this point judge hatter told the attorney that he wanted to speak to his client (the guy on trial). so the guy went to the microphone and judge hatter proceeded to tell the man that he was upset at him. that the man should be ashamed of himself for his behavior and the terrible example and role model that he is being for his 8 year old child. the judge said that he wanted to lock the man up because he had messed up so many times and that the court had tried to use other programs to help the man, but the man wouldnt fix his life. he told him that he has a greater responsibility to society and especially to his child. he asked him who he thought he was bringing a child into the world when he was living this type of lifestyle. he then asked what the man had to say for himself. it was incredible to watch. the judge was really upset at this man. and not so much because he broke the law, but because the man was failing as a human (his words, not mine) and wasnt improving his life. i think the judge was also upset because he could no longer put off or deny some of the demands of justice. he told the man that in 6 months at the sentencing hearing, if the man has displayed good behavior, then he wont go for the 11 months the u.s. attorney wants, but he is for sure going to be locked up for some time. its up to the man to prove that it doenst need to be for the full 11 months. i was just really impressed with how serious the judge takes his job. how he really tries to weigh the scales of justice (totally cliche, i know. but its true). he is a great guy that sincerely cares that people improve their lives and become better individuals and citizens. he didnt need to talk on a personal level with that man. most judges dont. he didnt need to tell that man that he was disappointed in him and that the man needed to fix his life and that he could do better. thats not part of his responsibilities as a judge. but he understands that in that moment, when wearing the robe and sitting behind the bench, that people will listen to him and that he has the opportunity to tell them things that he otherwise might not be able. his actions show he really believes people have a responsibility to themselves, those around them and society as a whole. he believes there is a greater good and that people are good. i think its those beliefs that perhaps motivate him to speak candidly to these people. not just because he believes people are capable of doing and being better people, but because they should be better.
anyways, sorry about rambling so long. i dont mean to make each post so long. i need to shorten them like kaahl does. i just find it difficult to describe a great guy, so i ramble, hoping that at some point ill give that phrase that will make you understand that this person is outstanding. maybe its that, or maybe its just that when youre dealing with a great guy, you can never feel satisfied that you effectively conveyed in words who this person is.
so how is the externship? exteremely tiring and pretty boring. on a scale of 1 to 2, its a 1. how is the judge? he's definitely a 2.
Saturday, February 3, 2007
but what are you to say to them? if you say, 'we just hung out and cuddled,' then you sound like a loser. you could say, ' we just watched a movie and i held her all night,' but a guy can only say that if he's in a zach braf movie. he could say, 'we just watched a movie, and spooned.' but it just creates an awkward atmosphere in the room. i asked my friend karl about this and his suggestions for a word other than cuddling or spooning probably shouldnt be repeated. what about muggle? we muggled all night. too much like cuddle. how about packing it? could be interpreted the wrong way, but it could also work.
'what did you guys do?'
'not much, we just packed it in all night.'
its better than cuddling. but its easy to see why one might not think you were just cuddling with the person. yet it is manly. im open for suggestions and ideas. im sure this can be solved and sorted out sooner than later.
***so i just noticed that 'kaahl' posted a comment with some suggestions. he likes 'graze' and i do was well. 'we just grazed and watched a movie.' definitely can work. i also liked 'buss.' it sounds pretty cool. 'im just relaxing at home and bussin with my girl.' also has potential.
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