anyways, so i have been quite the concert go-er lately. which is just grand. i also do get out and 'do stuff.' my weekends usually are filled with stuff. and thats just fine and dandy. but ive been having the desire to go places. and not necessarily far away places, but some nice weekend excursions (although roundtrip flights to costa rica right now are going for $259 on TACA international airlines. thats a deal. im not quite sure what taca airlines is. ive never heard of them. i dont know if you fly with people, chickens or cocaine. but for $259?! ill happily smuggle in some 'goods' if it means i can fly there for about as much as it costs to fly to utah).
here's the siutation: right now i have no classes on friday. i have a three day weekend every weekend. its my third year of law school. its really my last opportunity to have such a flexible and open schedule until i make millions and retire by 40. but after this year, i probably wont have such an nice schedule for at least 10 years and maybe even more. so i need to live it up. ive talked to numerous law school graduates that talked about their third year. one guy bought a jet ski. another guy got his pilots license during his third year. george had his summer. why cant i have my year? (of course, i may not want to use that analogy, because, as im sure we all recall, george slips on some invitations shortly after his summer starts and his summer is ruined due to an injury). i dont really want a jet ski or to learn how to fly, although those would be cool. i just want some weekend excursions. i dont think that is too much to ask or too difficult to make happen. there is plenty i can do that can be pulled off in a weekend. surfing in baja. snowboarding in mammoth. vegas. i have family there and i never go there, but i should. santa barbara. san francisco. austin. cabo. san juan. you know, simple trips.
anyways, if you have any other suggestions or ideas of excursions, please let me know. if you are against me being a renegade, i suppose you can let me know as well. i do realize that a renegade refers to a fallen christian or a soldier or knight without allegiance. so i guess technically i dont want to be a renegade in the midevil sense of the term. rather, the gen x/me generation renegade that spends all his time roaming and avoiding responsibility and looking out for number 1 - himself. if you are against that renegade, then you can let me know and ill at least pretend to take your objections into consideration (but not really of course since they are coming from a source other than number 1).
Hello? You also have a dear sister in Seattle whom you have never visited and who has given you the most darling nieces and nephews that you should come and see so they can jump all over you and get more attention. I know we're not single here and living it up like you but still, I think we deserve to be put on the renegade list. Maybe we can convince you to join our ranks.
Oh - - I'm so sorry that I didn't even aknowledge your birthday. happy birthday Kent on Kent.
so i think i read your comments right as they were posted. youre right. ive never been to seattle and eric owes me some steak and near beer. im putting it on the list.
Kent - sorry I missed your birthday too.
I have no problem with your being a renegade, but I wanted to tell you that I flew TACA airlines to Nicaragua. No offense to the Nicas, but there was very little "luggage" on my plane. Mostly there were trash bags and boxes duct taped together. Other than that, the flight was fine and I didn't feel like I was on third-world flight. That was the trip where I got bitten by a monkey, but that wasn't TACA's fault.
We are booking a flight and we are leaving the country and I am calling you RIGHT NOW.
um... i came across your blog through darcy's... and i guess this is kinda creepy. but.. i feel the same way about weekend getaways... i really don't get to go on them enough(oh yeah... this is melissa morales from goldenwest, ha) i'm a first year MSW student at usc and i have such a great schedule too. no class fridays and a really flexible schedule with clients on mondays. TACA is ok. not as bad as American Airlines since you have to PAY if you want a little snack on a flight. Taca feeds you yucky sandwiches and drinks but that's about it.. not too bad since a lot of flights are red-eyes.
hope this helps... take care.
ummm...How did we get distracted from Costa Rica.
Call me.
I am serious about this.
You can weekend renegade me any time you want.
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