Sunday, October 28, 2007

hip hop horray

so last week i was talking to my friend garret, a fellow law student, and somehow it came up that he used to be a personal trainer. he mentioned that he doesnt do any training right now because of school, but he still teaches a class once a week. i asked him what class and he responded, 'hip hop.' to which i of course responded: 'can i come?' he said of course and that he could get anyone in for free. so i rallied together 15 friends and we crashed his hip hop party. thats not entirely true. i did find a friend though and we went. and it was fantastic. seriously a good time. not the most tiring workout, but a workout of sorts. i consider myself a rhythm-less wonder, so i found the class challenging, but really a lot of fun and im definitely planning on going back. here is a video of a class that he taught. this isnt what he taught us. he taught us a dance to a justin timberlake song. garret is the instructor at the front. he moves a little better than i do. he's pretty fluid. im not so sure he has bones in his body. he also dominates when it comes to mock trial. a really good public speaker. a multi-talented law student. who knew? we're not all law geeks. anyways, go hip hop. its a blast. and good for the soul.


Lark said...

Hey I really enjoyed this. He's good. You are definately just as good as those students behind him. It just takes practice too! Makes me miss teaching...

a.k.a. Suga Jones said...

Do you ever plan on going back to class? If so, let me know. I want to learn some new stuff.

Silvs said...

When is the class and where? I want in. And I want you there in the Riddler costume...

f*bomb. said...

When are you setting me up with this guy? And why have you not brought me to class yet?!?!