Monday, October 22, 2007

quick plug for 'crash'

so 'fx' is acting like a typical cable station and repeatedly showing a movie five or six times a day for a few weeks. right now it happens to be the movie 'crash.' it is a heavy movie but i loved it and i highly recommend it. when i first saw it i had a 'gattica' moment. a gattica moment is where i sit down to watch a movie, but im really tired or not in the mood for a movie, but the movie immediately sucks me in and keeps me alert and attentive throughout. crash was that type of movie. i was only planning on starting it and watching the first part; 2 hours later i was still staring at the screen at highly moved and impressed. cant guarantee youll have the same experience, but if you have a soul, you probably will.


f*bomb. said...

Gattaca was filmed in the Civic Center across from my house. In high school we held Mock Trial there and I won a prize for "best witness" because I made the prosecution cry.
Just letting you know, you weren't the first one to act in there, Uma.

Joshua Baron said...

Some of the exterior shots for Gattaca were filmed in front of Cal Poly Pomona's (my alma mater) administration building. The building fit right in because it is a bizarre piece of architecture.