evan almighty: didnt actually see it. this is why it took me so long to make this post. in the original preview post i put this as a movie i was going to see, so i was going to do this recap post after i saw it. but i never did. i planned on it, but then i heard it just wasnt that good. im really not one to pay attention to critics, but occasionally ill check the site rottentomatoes.com. i like this site because it just compiles reviews from many different critics and tell you what percent of them gave the movie a positive review and how many gave it a negative review. again, i dont really care about what critics say, but if an overwhelming amount give it a negative review, it does make me question whether or not i want to spend money on the movie. so when only 23% of the 175 critics gave evan almighty a positive review, i felt that i could probably wait until this movie came out on dvd. or tv. or just wait for my roommate to illegally download it.
7. resurrecting the champ: randomly saw this one with a group one friday night. um, no complaints. one of those neutral movies. i wasnt upset by any means that i saw it. wasnt blown away or it didnt change my life or anything. not that a movie has to. i would and do recommend it, but until i sat down to write this post, i had forgotten that i had even seen the movie this summer.
6. ocean's 13: this was actually a great show. just the other ones were better. i already mentioned this one in the yosemite post. i saw this the evening after climbing half dome. it was outstanding. a fun show. much better than the second. the first was just so good, i dont think any sequel could ever beat it. that said, i do hope they make a fourth(teenth?)
5. ratatouille: do you know what rotten tomatoes number 1 movie of the first 6 months of 2007 was? ratatouille. pixar is incredible. they really are. i have loved other pixar movies more than this one, but the key word there is love. im always pleased with everything they do (except maybe cars. i was bored in that one). seriously though, you cant go wrong with a pixar movie. maybe wont be the best movie youll ever see, but it dont think you can walk out of a pixar movie feeling disappointed.
4. spiderman 3: i also blogged about this one in the first movie post. many people were disappointed with this one. i really enjoyed it. people didnt like the whole peter parker going emo thing. but i was thoroughly entertained. they needed to show that he was 'different' and i thought making him a cool emo guy to show he was different than his typical nerd self was outstanding. the villains were good. good story again. harry dies. what more could we want? well, perhaps for mary jane to lose her voice and quit screaming.
3. transformers: saw this one at a midnight showing on opening night. great show. my roommate zach has seen it a few times in the theatres, including in imax last week and he says it gets better each time. ive only seen it once, but i could easily see it being one of those movies. i really enjoyed it. the effects were good. story wasnt too amazing, but they were trying to make a movie out of action figures, so they deserve some credit. also, i believe that there is now talk of a GI Joe movie. not sure if the success of transformers has inspired that, but the chance that it might have, secures them in the number 3 spot.
2. bourne ultimatum: oh how i wish this wasnt the end. this movie was so good. im going to spoil it because it was released over a month ago, so if you havnt seen it, skip this part. the movie was great, but it became excellent for me right at the very end when he was floating in the water and then suddenly the moby song kicked in and he started twitching and showed that he was alive. something about that ending just made it a fantastic movie and perfectly tied it all together and concluded everything. and im not quite sure why. it might be because i didnt really know if he was alive. he could have died and i would have been fine with it. sad. but this is the end of the trilogy and i thought it could have been a sad, but fitting end to the story. so i honestly wasnt sure if it was just going to fade to black with him in the water and leave us wondering. but then the music, the twitch, i got some goosebumps and just sat there thinking that i had just seen an excellent, and highly entertaining movie. jason bourne is rad by they way. my feelings were reconfirmed that if i could be any superhero, i might just be jason bourne. he's fierce.

I saw Evan Almighty and liked it. I'm not movie critic, I just judge on entertainment value and this one was funny to me, actually to all of us who saw it. I also liked the Peter Parker smooth guy part. It was the comic relief, walking down the street so cool. And we love Transformers at our house, that will be a dvd that we buy and the toys are going to be under the Christmas tree. Did Eric tell you that the movie figures transform in the same way the toys do? I also really liked the Bourne movie (even though I saw it on our computer in a 4x5 box picture). Nice mini-post on your comment from me.
you are missing license to wed from your list...undoubtedly the best movie of the summer. its too bad you refused to come with us. hahaha.
Kent I thought Live Free was the best summer movie too! Granted I didn't see half or more than half of the others, but I loved it for the same reasons. I found myself laughing a lot during the movies at the jokes and sarcasm, but also at the unbelievable stunts. No one could have survived that helicopter/truck on ramp thing, but Bruce did and I found myself laughing during that whole scene. I also loved Bourne and wish there would be more too. I would see all of them.
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