Friday, January 16, 2009

Lyon striker Fred to return to Brazil with Flu

its been a long time since i have blogged and this isnt exactly how i anticipated getting back into writing and posting. life has been busy and hectic and just not much time lately. but i read this headline on espnsoccernet after reading about real madrid's president resigning (another post altogether, its been a rough season) and wanted to share it, but not sure how or with whom. yea for the blogosphere. i put it out there and 'share' it and someone anonomously comes along and reads it and without any sort of human interaction, we enjoy it together. no wonder its called a lone a dreary world.

so first of all, i just love fred. he's always been one of my favorite brazilian players. not so much because of his style of play as much as his name. one name, like many brazilian players. only its not brazilian at all. its fred. pele, ronaldo, robinho, kaka (also a funny one), and fred. anyways, i just also thought it was the strangest headline. i wondered why he couldnt be treated in france. surely france is a better place to receive treatment than brazil. maybe france didnt like the idea of having a brazilian with the flu in their country. doubtful. but if you have the flu, it seems like flying all the way across the world would only make you feel worse. and how long does the flu last? a week? 10 days? youre going to fly home for a week and fly back when you feel better? its gotta be a cover up. nope. just a misleading headline (or it lets a guy know he doesnt know his brazilian clubs very well).

"Fluminense will sign Lyon forward Fred in the summer, according to the Brazilian club's president.

Roberto Horcades admitted his side would like to take the former Cruzeiro striker this month but had been priced out of an early move.

"Fluminese sent a letter to Lyon expressing our interest in him after the player finishes his contract there," said Horcades.

"Before that it is not possible as the cancellation of his contract would cost five million euros.

"Alexandre (Faria, football manager) and Fred have already sealed the agreement in Natal."

1 comment:

Paige said...

Eats, shoots and leaves. I've always meant to read that book. That's a great headline, and a great name. Just Fred? So are his children going to be last-named Fred?