before i get anywhere though, ghost town comes out on video on dec. 28th. everything about this movie has been strange and upsetting. it didnt do well in the box office even though its hands down the funniest movie of the year and possibly the funniest movie ever. not sure why they are releasing the dvd on the 28th. perfect timing. it will come out during that week after christmas when people are shopping like crazy and everyone is thinking about a great dvd they can by a loved one. regardless of the poor timing, do yourself a favor and go out and buy it. its the best movie you havnt seen. dont even rent it. its worth the $20.

but my other complaint with the movie, besides die hard being number 3 on the list (which makes no sense to me. what makes you think more of christmas than die hard and gremlins - also on the list) was the fact that 'love actually' wasnt on the list. thats another fantastic movie. one of the best feel good movies. everything works out for everybody. its almost over the top in the way it all works out, but its so feel good that you dont mind at all. find that one on a cable channel and tivo it. its great.
holiday stuff:

valkyrie: in commenting about how he wasnt going to go see this movie, my friend dave mentioned how the previews and the design look a lot like the oceans 11 movies. and its true. they have that red line that travels through some gray background, and they make it look all hip. which is fine and understandable. assassinating hitler is really hip. i bet it was totally the thing to do back in the day. but what about that eye patch? when was the last time anyone not a pirate successfully pulled off the eye patch? i know that they are trying to base this off the true story, but we all know that everything in the movie wont be exactly how it went. couldnt this have been a part that they altered from the original story? i havnt seen it, but is the eye patch that integral to the story? surely they cant take themselves seriously with that thing, so i dont know how i can.
not sure if we will see it. probably wont take nellie to go see it, but if the family is going over the holidays, then i would go. otherwise, i doubt it.
marley and me: you know who likes animal movies? ron. that was always a running joke in our house growing up. whenever my dad went to rent a video, we always had to make sure someone went with him, otherwise he would come home with some movie that starred, or co-starred an animal. lets be honest though, who doesnt love a good animal movie? nellie loves them. thats why she's getting the beethoven trilogy for christmas. along with ed.
same as above on seeing this one. i actually wouldnt mind it, but wont go unless its some holiday family outing.
yes man and seven pounds: ive seen the trailers for both of these movies and one movie i feel like i know already what happens and the other i have no idea what is even going on; and i dont think thats a good thing for either one.
yes man: not entirely sure. jim carrey always says no and is negative. starts saying yes. realizes that he enjoys it and really 'starts living life.' it probably gets out of control. he hurts people somehow. in the end there is some moral about saying yes to more things and enjoying life. i dont know. this movie probably isnt terrible and probably has some funny moments, i dont see how this one couldnt wait until dvd though.
seven pounds: um. not sure what the heck is going on. will smith trying to be dramatic and the movie trying to be deeper than it really is. maybe its powerful and heartfelt, but it cant be a good sign when they wont tell you anything about the story and critics havnt been very kind in their reviews. i enjoy a lot of what will smith does, but i think ill pass.
the spirit: i thought from the previews that this would for sure be rated r. somehow its not though and its only pg-13. looks visually stimulating and thats about it. i cant see myself seeing this unless many people tell me its great and that i need to go, which i also cant see happening.
oscar stuff:
benjamin button: nellie and i will go see this one. nellie has wanted to ever since she saw the trailer. it does look great. seems like a great story. plus it has such a nice, inspirational soundtrack. watch the preview. youll be humming the music to yourself and fantasizing that you are as cool as brad pitt and that you too are riding on some motorcycle in the middle of somewhere really cool on your way to do something even cooler. i know im not the only one that does this. nellie does it too. she told me. im pretty sure though that in her fantasy, brad is also on the bike. thats not true. its eric bana. she loves that chump.
gran torino: i hope im like clint eastwood when i grow up. i hope i find something that i love and that the older i get the more dominant and good at it i get. the guy is pushing at least 110, yet he still cranks out movies. but he doesnt need to make stuff to establish himself, nor to try to impress his friends. he's already won tons of oscars. he just seems to love it and he's good at it, so he continues to make stuff. unlike seven pounds, i know there is more to this story than what i see in the previews. its clint eastwood so he's for sure tapping into some heavier topics and issues with the movie. he always does, i dont know what they are, but you know it will be thought provoking. he could take 'house bunny' and somehow find a way to discuss some societal issue.

valkyrie: in commenting about how he wasnt going to go see this movie, my friend dave mentioned how the previews and the design look a lot like the oceans 11 movies. and its true. they have that red line that travels through some gray background, and they make it look all hip. which is fine and understandable. assassinating hitler is really hip. i bet it was totally the thing to do back in the day. but what about that eye patch? when was the last time anyone not a pirate successfully pulled off the eye patch? i know that they are trying to base this off the true story, but we all know that everything in the movie wont be exactly how it went. couldnt this have been a part that they altered from the original story? i havnt seen it, but is the eye patch that integral to the story? surely they cant take themselves seriously with that thing, so i dont know how i can.
not sure if we will see it. probably wont take nellie to go see it, but if the family is going over the holidays, then i would go. otherwise, i doubt it.
marley and me: you know who likes animal movies? ron. that was always a running joke in our house growing up. whenever my dad went to rent a video, we always had to make sure someone went with him, otherwise he would come home with some movie that starred, or co-starred an animal. lets be honest though, who doesnt love a good animal movie? nellie loves them. thats why she's getting the beethoven trilogy for christmas. along with ed.
same as above on seeing this one. i actually wouldnt mind it, but wont go unless its some holiday family outing.
yes man and seven pounds: ive seen the trailers for both of these movies and one movie i feel like i know already what happens and the other i have no idea what is even going on; and i dont think thats a good thing for either one.
yes man: not entirely sure. jim carrey always says no and is negative. starts saying yes. realizes that he enjoys it and really 'starts living life.' it probably gets out of control. he hurts people somehow. in the end there is some moral about saying yes to more things and enjoying life. i dont know. this movie probably isnt terrible and probably has some funny moments, i dont see how this one couldnt wait until dvd though.
seven pounds: um. not sure what the heck is going on. will smith trying to be dramatic and the movie trying to be deeper than it really is. maybe its powerful and heartfelt, but it cant be a good sign when they wont tell you anything about the story and critics havnt been very kind in their reviews. i enjoy a lot of what will smith does, but i think ill pass.
the spirit: i thought from the previews that this would for sure be rated r. somehow its not though and its only pg-13. looks visually stimulating and thats about it. i cant see myself seeing this unless many people tell me its great and that i need to go, which i also cant see happening.
oscar stuff:
benjamin button: nellie and i will go see this one. nellie has wanted to ever since she saw the trailer. it does look great. seems like a great story. plus it has such a nice, inspirational soundtrack. watch the preview. youll be humming the music to yourself and fantasizing that you are as cool as brad pitt and that you too are riding on some motorcycle in the middle of somewhere really cool on your way to do something even cooler. i know im not the only one that does this. nellie does it too. she told me. im pretty sure though that in her fantasy, brad is also on the bike. thats not true. its eric bana. she loves that chump.
gran torino: i hope im like clint eastwood when i grow up. i hope i find something that i love and that the older i get the more dominant and good at it i get. the guy is pushing at least 110, yet he still cranks out movies. but he doesnt need to make stuff to establish himself, nor to try to impress his friends. he's already won tons of oscars. he just seems to love it and he's good at it, so he continues to make stuff. unlike seven pounds, i know there is more to this story than what i see in the previews. its clint eastwood so he's for sure tapping into some heavier topics and issues with the movie. he always does, i dont know what they are, but you know it will be thought provoking. he could take 'house bunny' and somehow find a way to discuss some societal issue.
the other rad thing about clint, he does the music for all his movies. rad. who knew such an old dude had such a good ear? i heard that he, like lavell edwards, has perfect pitch.
the wrestler: the sports guy did an article about this show. everything he writes is better than anything i could ever write, especially when he is discussing pop culture and movies. critics are loving this show and it looks like a really interesting story about a terribly messed up 'sport.'
another rated r movie and a bunch of others: revolutionary road, the reader, frost/nixon, slumdog millionaire. they are all getting lots of 'buzz.' ive only heard things about the last two.i guess i shouldnt lump them all together since they are vastly different. everyone raves about slumdog and frost/nixon looks like a legitimately interesting story that i would like to see. im sure the other ones are good as well. they just look like movies that people in hollywood make for other people in hollywood or oscar people and really its only the oscar people that enjoy them. not that its bad to make a movie for your peers, but they definitely seem more like they are geared or made to try and win awards than win over audiences or the masses. not that thats a bad thing necessarily. sometimes when movies are made to try and please the masses then you come up with stuff like this.
doubt: the only reason its not lumped with the other ones is because its rated pg-13. no idea what its about. some catholic priest and he doubts something. or he knows someone that doubts something. there is a nun involved so maybe she is the one that doubts something. or maybe she doubts that he doubts something. or they both doubt the other ones knows they doubt, but they also doubt that as well, leaving room for more doubt. chances of seeing it: doubtful (it actually doesnt look bad. i am pretty intrigued. like phillip seymour hoffman, but i just cant see us actually going to the theaters and watching this show).
the wrestler: the sports guy did an article about this show. everything he writes is better than anything i could ever write, especially when he is discussing pop culture and movies. critics are loving this show and it looks like a really interesting story about a terribly messed up 'sport.'
another rated r movie and a bunch of others: revolutionary road, the reader, frost/nixon, slumdog millionaire. they are all getting lots of 'buzz.' ive only heard things about the last two.i guess i shouldnt lump them all together since they are vastly different. everyone raves about slumdog and frost/nixon looks like a legitimately interesting story that i would like to see. im sure the other ones are good as well. they just look like movies that people in hollywood make for other people in hollywood or oscar people and really its only the oscar people that enjoy them. not that its bad to make a movie for your peers, but they definitely seem more like they are geared or made to try and win awards than win over audiences or the masses. not that thats a bad thing necessarily. sometimes when movies are made to try and please the masses then you come up with stuff like this.
doubt: the only reason its not lumped with the other ones is because its rated pg-13. no idea what its about. some catholic priest and he doubts something. or he knows someone that doubts something. there is a nun involved so maybe she is the one that doubts something. or maybe she doubts that he doubts something. or they both doubt the other ones knows they doubt, but they also doubt that as well, leaving room for more doubt. chances of seeing it: doubtful (it actually doesnt look bad. i am pretty intrigued. like phillip seymour hoffman, but i just cant see us actually going to the theaters and watching this show).
I doubt that you are anything less than proud about your doubt usage.
Saw Benjamin Button. Meh. Saw Gran Turino. AMAZING. I had no idea what that movie was about going into it, but that is one of the best movies I've seen in years. Heard Slumdog was pretty awesome. Saw Yes Man, which I thought was entertaining.
I had a lot of time these last two weeks.
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