so last weekend i got the 'good will hunting' itch. it comes around every 6 months or so. something will feel missing in my life and ill eventually realize that i havnt seen good will hunting in awhile. anyways, i was watching it the other day and there is this scene towards the end where matt damon and ben affleck are talking and ben affleck gives this nice monologue. the first time i saw it i thought the monologue was terrible because of the acting, but after a few ben affleck movies, i now realize that its just pretty typical ben affleck acting, actually its probably better than 'armageddon' or 'pearl harbor' ben affleck. especially better than 'daredevil' ben affleck.
anyways, at this point in the movie, matt damon, will hunting, who is a genius is telling ben affleck, his best friend that he plans on raising his family in boston and living next to ben affleck and his family and taking their kids to little league together and working construction together etc. ben affleck responds by telling matt damon that if he sticks around in boston he will kill him. he eventually tells matt damon that he doesnt owe it to matt, but he owes it to him (ben). he says that tomorrow he will wake up and be 50, but matt is sitting on a winning lottery ticket but he is too much of a wuss to cash it in. that he would give anything to have what will has (a genius brain) and that it is an insult for matt to not use it.
well, that was a long explanation, and not really important. (here is the clip from the movie if you care to see it. *warning* the clip is directly from the movie so it is unedited and uncensored. the language is VERY colorful). basically, i was sitting there and thinking about who is the will hunting in my life. and then i realized that it is aaron rogers. id feel bad about calling him out on my blog except that 1. im pretty sure he doesnt even know of my blog, and 2. all of my friends and i sit around and talk about him anyways and how we feel he is wasting away, so, if im going to do it behind his back, i should at least be willing to do it to his face (via the world wide web) or not at all.
so aaron rogers is super smart. when i was studying for the lsat, he started flirting with the law school idea, like everyone does at some point in their life. aaron sat down and took a practice test without ever looking at a test before and i cant remember exactly what he scored, but it was above a 168. somewhere in the 170ish range. which is an incredible score. that is not only getting you into any law school you want, but probably will get you a scholarship as well. add on his 3.8 or 3.9 econ degree and he could probably get in. he never pursued law school. which is fine. law school isnt for everyone. he ended up getting a job with an investment banking firm bain capital sometime after he graduated, but he later quit because he didnt like the hours.
anyways, i should finish this, im not really sure where im going. i could go on forever trying to describe him in an effort to figure him out, but ive done that plenty of times with other friends and we never really reach a conclusion. last i heard aaron is living in provo, ut bouncing around with temp jobs or working some job that he got from his roommate. and the analogy to good will hunting isnt quite exact. i dont want to say that he owes it to me to cash it in, because i dont feel like i dont have anything going for me in life. i feel rather talented and not quite like how ben affleck feels, although i do feel like i have rugged good looks like ben. but the bottom line is that regardless of whether im a ben affleck or not, aaron is sitting on a winning lottery ticket and he's wasting it away. he doesnt have to go to law school or slave away at some banking firm if he doesnt want to, but he's doing absolutely nothing with what he has. to do what he does with the brain he has is an insult. im not exactly sure to whom, but ben says its an insult when matt wastes his brain. i think to a degree we all are sitting on lottery tickets and not cashing them in, but we all have an aaron in our life, that is on a guaranteed lottery ticket and just cashing it in for whatever reason. and it gets frustrating. im not sure there is anything i can do. well, besides waiting 20 years to see if he is still living in provo and if he is, then be like ben and kill him.
I think it's time for a confrontation with aaron. Everyone needs to go as a big group effort, move him out and hopefully he'll do something when he's out of Provo
Nothing is more intelligent than choosing not to use your intelligence.
I send that out to my cousin who is (supposedly) a genius and is still working in a grocery store somewhere in Main.
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