so i guess ive been 'tagged.' im fairly new to this whole blogging thing, but i guess that people answer random qeustions on their blog and then they 'tag' someone else and make that person answer the same questions. im really not sure how i feel about it. do people really care about my answer? is someone just out there making up questions and tagging people so he/she can see how far and long the tagging of 'their' questions will go? do you gain prestige with bloggers by making a 'tag' that continues on and on? anyways, my sister lark was tagged as well as my other sister paige, but both with different 'tags' or questions. paige was kind enough to then 'tag' me. if it was anyone else i probably would have sent them a plate of some george bluth special muffins in the mail, but she is family and was an inspiration to me starting a blog, so ill continue the tag.
last person i sent a card to: my mom will be so proud to hear this. i sent a card to judge hatter and the clerks. i sat down, and typed out letter thanking them for the experience of working with them this past semester. im not very good at remembering to send thank you cards, but thats not because my mom hasnt tried to teach and remind me to send them. anyone that knows shanon knows that she is HUGE on thank you card and just giving thanks. one time, i came home from byu with some friends for a weekend and this one guy was extremely courtious and helpful and kind to my parents. my mom fell in love. then, when we got back to utah, he sent my mom a thank you card. i didnt even tell him that my mom was big on them. shanon was in love. however, he was much to young for her and ron had the upper hand on him, but lindsey was still single. so for the next few months, whenever the subject of boys came up, shanon was always asking about kevin and recommending him to lindsey. good times. so i sent the judge a letter. he is my connection to palau. ive gotta keep him close.
what i ate for lunch: i havnt had lunch yet. not sure what ill have. something quick. i try and go to lunch as late in the day as possible. that way, when i get back, the day is almost over.
something i just learned: pass.
favorite song: when? of all time? from yesterday? excuse me mr. or ms. tagger, your question is vague. does anyone have a favorite song of all time? is that possible? i dont think it really is. dont songs come and go with phases and moods in life? for instance, i remember that my favorite song senior year of high school was 'flagpole sitter' by 'harvey danger.' but that isnt my favorite song now. although it is a timeless classic. during christmastime i really like 'greensleeves.' i also like josh grobin's 'o holy night.' christmas wrapping by the spice girls is pretty good too. if im at a dance party at new horizons east, then my favorite song is 'freestyler' by 'bombfunk mc's.'
but since i dont know have a favorite at the moment, ill just go ahead and give a plug for the new 'white stripes' album 'icky thump.' i really like the white stripes. i think they are incredibly talented and true musicians. some arent too high on meg, the drummer, but their sound is excellent. whenever you hear a white stripes song, you know its white stripes, even though their songs never sound alike. unlike a band like 'red hot chilli peppers,' they are constantly changing their sound. some songs are just a hard rock like zeppelin, other songs have a very southern, blues sound, some songs are just weird pop, or mexican mariachi. anyways, to me, they are like a band like radiohead, never will be extremely main stream because they just sound too different for the masses, but they are good musicians so they will always pump out quality music, and there will always be appreciative fans like me to receive said music.
other stuff: dave introduced me to 'the national' a little bit ago. more mellow and a really nice sound that all will enjoy. you can listen to their music on their myspace page. i also do like that new nelly furtado song. totally trendy with jr. high kids and you can hear it about every 15 min on 4 or 5 different stations in l.a., but whenever i do hear it, sometimes i might crank up the volume and relive glorious jr high memories. except that, yep, thats an oxymoron.
last book i read: i think it was 'ghost soldiers.' im starting the mitt romney 'mormon in the white house book.' my con law professor, hugh hewitt, is the author. im planning on doing just a quick skim. i also just bought 'blink' by malcolm gladwell. i enjoyed his other book, 'the tipping point,' so im excited to start this one.
what im wearing: business casual. lame. do you really care tagger?
last phone call i made: to kim iverson. another lame question though.
inside i dont feel very different when i was: alive and healthy (?)
favorite tv shows: i am in love with arrested development.
i did grow to like the american office this past year. i boycotted it for awhile. while the british version will forever hold a special place in my heart, i think that the american version has done a decent job at recreating what the british version already did. yes. recreating.
30 rock is a great show.
real world/road rules challenge. even though no one but connie will watch it with me.
and of course man vs. wild. just outstanding. if you havnt ever seen it, i dont want to spoil it. its on the discovery channel. look it up and watch an episode. you wont be disappointed. the show rules.
last restaurant: so this is a large reason why i decided to answer this 'tag.' sorry this is already so long. but i was going to rant and make a post earlier, and this question sort of goes along with the rant, so i decided i could just combine posts and please everyone.
dating is expensive. it really is. ive gone on a few dates over the past few weeks and i totally broke the bank. now im not the best budgeter or the best when it comes to finances, so i probably could have saved some money here and there, but overall, dating isnt cheap. and im not upset at women for this. i dont think it is their fault at all. its my fault. or i dont even know if there is fault to be placed. its just the way it is. i mean, you are going to take the girl to dinner. and of course you could always take them to some cheap drive through diner or some lame joint if you never want to go out with them again, but assuming you do, you will try and take them somewhere nice. doesnt need to be incredibly fancy or anything, but its going to be a sit down restaurant. you will both get meals ranging anywhere between $10-20. add on an appetizer because i love snacking and they always look and sound so appealing. plus, food takes forever to arrive and i get antsy. and its easy conversation. 'wow, these southwestern egg rolls are delicious. mmmmm. have some. how bout that avocado. man, isnt avocado so good? yeah. i know. i love guacamole too. what else to you like thats green?' anyways, after tax and tip there is no way dinner is less than $30. which is fine, im not bitter about that. its just the way it is.
then there is entertainment. even if you go with the standard movie, thats $10 each in l.a. area, so now you are at $50. tack on some ice cream later and youre somewhere around $60. or like the other night, i was with a girl and we went walking through a book store. as we were walking in i said, 'lets pick out a summer reading book for the other person.' a fun and stupid suggestion. why? because after picking them out, we went to the register, and although she insisted on paying, i have too much man pride and i had to front the money and buy her the book.
which is why dating is so expensive. man pride. im sure girls will say that they dont have to be wined and dined. that if the guy is 'fun and entertaining, then it doesnt matter what you do. as long as you are spending time together.' so cute. but thats just not how guys think. well, i dont think that way at least. i understand that if im dating a girl, or if ive got her locked down and interested, then i can do something cheap and casual, but before that point, im going to wine and dine. even after she is locked down, every once in awhile i still have to break the bank and wine and dine her. why? because i want to show her that she's not some throw away. a girl may not 'need' to be taken to these places, but as a guy, i 'need' to take her out to a nice dinner. im not trying to prove i have money, they usually figure that out once i say im a student. i realize that even if we just went for a walk down to the pier that i could get to know her and still perhaps win her over with a few witty jokes. but if its a first date or an early in the courting process date, then im spending some money. i could just say, 'hey girl. youre neat.' but it would probably come out that smooth, so instead i figure that a nice bowl of pasta and a new book will send the same message.
anyways, its all messed up. well, at least it is in my head. once again, i dont blame women at all for this. its just the man pride. and until i can swallow that pride, ill keep on spending the money i dont have just to make sure that the girl feels like she's special (nice spin eh?). in any event, im pretty full at the moment, so i dont think much will be changing anytime soon.
well, i guess im supposed to 'tag' someone else. i think that if i tag 25 people and they all tag 25 more people and it continues for like 10 years or something then ill get postcards from all over the world and ill be in the guiness book of world records or something. so ill 'tag' zach. he never posts and so maybe this will give him something to post about.