Friday, January 14, 2011

Do you Moosico?

Moosico is my friend Dave's music blog. It's pretty great. Sadly, I don't frequent it as much as I should. Dave listens to a ton of music and sorts through all the junk out there to give you the good stuff. Granted, you might consider some of his good stuff junk, but most of it is great.

He recently put together a top 20 songs of 2010. It's a great list. In particular is the song Simple Graces by Delorean. Apparently they are a Basque group. Who doesn't love the Basque? No one. Everyone is a fan of the Basque. Such nice people. We should all move to Bilbao.

Anyways, this Delorean song is just great. I can't get it out of my head. So fun, so smooth and so Friday.

Enjoy and be sure to thank Dave.

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