Thursday, July 9, 2009

friday afternoon song?

so i realize that the blog has been a little music heavy lately. but i wanted to share another new favorite song. sorry it immediately starts playing. i couldnt find a video or anything. ill take it down once i make another post. nellie introduced me to this song and band. im around her quite a bit so its easy for her to share this stuff with me. the song is called 'happy as can be' by 'cut off your hands.' they are an aussie group. anyways, its just a great, addicting song. it gets going quick and never really slows down. nothing incredibly brilliant about the song, just a fun song. so if that beck song perfectly captured a sunday morning, both in name and feel, then i guess this song would be friday afternoon. just got off work and just all around happy to be done with work and off to the weekend. you might have plans, might not, doesnt matter, work is in the rear view mirror, the steering wheel is your drum set, its a friday and life is great.

on another quick music side note, jack white's next side project is out. the band is called 'dead weather.' dave axelgard says that they are good. i havnt heard it, but jack white is really a brilliant musician and anything he does is worth hearing.

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