so i need to finish these posts about big summer events. im sure everyone already knows, but nellie and i did get married on august 9th. it was a great day. its true that the sealing is the best part of the day. by far. not wanting to go into it or discuss it on a blog, ill just give some thoughts from other stuff that happened.
it was really hot. we took photos throughout the afternoon and we were just dying. they photos turned out great. we had a great photographer. her name is rachel. her blog is rachelthurston@blogspot.com. one advice that we got from people was to make sure you have a good photographer. maybe cut costs in some areas, but if there is one area you are going to spend money then do it on a photographer. and i totally agree. im not really an artistic guy nor do i really claim to have an 'artistic eye' or anything, so i cant really explain why, but you can just tell when some people have a true artistic ability compared to someone that just bought an expensive camera and now calls him/herself a photographer. plus, like people told me, the photos are really the only tangible thing you keep for a long time that remind you of the wedding day. besides the pancake warmer.
thank you katie clifford for reading my blog and for buying us a very useful pancake warmer. nellie has been wanting one for a long time. you have also ensured yourself a lifetime of worthless gifts. gifts that dont even sound like they have a purpose and in reality really dont. supposedly someone bought us the cheese dome. our registry indicated that it was bought, but we never actually got it. someone probably wised up after buying it and didnt want a lifetime of lame gifts so they didnt give it to us. or some friend performed a random act of kindness and and bought it and just threw it away so that it could clutter up a dumpster instead of our kitchen.
speaking of clutter, i realized another problem with registering. cups. whoever makes these registery things hates men and has never been married. they are bitter and just leading women astray so that they will unknowingly make man's life miserable because somewhere, some man made that woman's life miserable. im actually not sure what happened, but do you know how many cups these registries recommend women register for? 12. 12! who needs 12 cups. do you know many cups newleyweds need? 2. and they can even be styrofoam if necessary. instead we have 12 small drinking glasses. 12 larger drinking glasses. 12 mugs. 12 goblets. and only 4 (thankfully) nice wine glasses. giving us a nice total of 52 cups/glasses. 52! when will we ever need 52 glasses? when we are hosting our party for 50 people? right. as though we will be using real cups and not plastic ones. its the same thing with plates. we have tons. i realize someday we might have a family and someday we also might host dinner guests. in the meantime, or today, we have a crowded kitchen with plenty of items to collect dust. when i was unloading all of the cups i kept on asking nellie why we had so many. 'i dont know,' she replied, 'thats how many it says to register for.' fantastic. love the obedience. hate the instructor.
im digressing from the wedding day and focusing on all the gifts. we did get a lot, so thanks to everyone. nellie said that it was like christmas. and it really was with all the gifts. only it was child's worst christmas nightmare. even nellie, as excited as she was at the beginning, couldnt keep the excitement throughout. i mean, how excited can you possibly be over boxes and boxes of dishware?

back to the wedding. we had lunch. we took photos. we helped set up for the reception and then we had the reception. the house looked great. i hear the food was great. we talked to people for about an hour. then we did cake. then we danced. the first dance was obligatory and totally awkward. then there was a regular dance. dj dave did a great job. it was actually really fun. 'obk' was amazing to get the dance going. 'freestyler' was just outstanding. that was a dance party favorite that originated from a dance 'party' we had at byu where there was just 7 of us and we created a little dance to that song and its lived on ever since. then nellie threw her bouquet, i grabbed her upper thigh, we went to the car and drove off into the sunset. not quite like that, but close enough.
it was a very memorable day. i think one of the best parts was the interaction between mine and nellie's family. nellie has an awesome family. mine is a little bit better. many on both sides have commented on how enjoyable it was being with and hanging out with the other family. which was really cool. im not surprised they got along well, but it was nice to hear they all got along so well and wished they could hang out again. sad part is that they probably never will. which is perhaps why the wedding day is so great. because it will never happen again. its just a one time event. im sure our families got along well, but couple that with the warm august night, good times and knowing that it wont ever happen again, and it becomes a little more nostalgic, a little bit sweeter and sits a little better in the memory. so thanks to all that came and gave gifts and made it a wonderful day. it really was one for the books. or the blog.
Congratulations you guys! I'm glad you got around to blogging about it. Tanner and I had to search through your sisters' blogs to get what snippets we could about the day. I only got sad when I read about Freestyler because Tanner and I weren't there to participate...but it looks like it was a wonderful day and Nellie looked beautiful!
I almost got you guys cups. But the shipping would have been a pain. We didn't get a single cup for our wedding... Now all we have are tupperware cups. You can send some our way.
We need cups too. And plates. After 10 years you'll be glad you got so many cups, you'll never have to replace them.
It was a lovely day. Thanks for the great party.
I'm so glad you got that pancake warmer, warms my heart to think about it. Maybe you could use it as a bed warmer, wrap it in a towel and put it at the end of your bed. But that might be a fire hazard.
Great wedding pictures. Looks like it was a beautiful day and everyone enjoyed themselves. We have lots of plastic cups that you're welcome to. I'm all about practicality.
I second, or fifth, all of that. a great day. I was HONORED to be there. you guys are pretty great couple (grant and I are a little bit better).
come to LA and give us marriage/engagement advice...
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