anyways, i havnt posted in awhile. i did the whole family vacation thing. ill try and be more consistent now that school is back up and running. the vacation was great. my family, meaning my parents and the three singlets went to nyc, then upstate new york, and concluded our trip in washington dc. it was an oustanding trip. its late and i really dont want to do a recap of the whole trip, plus i think that a lot of people would find it rather boring and im sure dont care to read about it. if you do, send me a text or something and ill tell you more about it.

nyc - oh this wretched city. i wish i never knew you. but thats just it. i dont really know you and it eats away at me. i loved being there. even though it was sweltering hot and we almost died of heat exhaustion waiting for the subway one day. new york was a great time as always. there is so much to do there. for me, its sort of unfulfilling as a tourist though because i want to live new york, not just visit and sightsee. id really like to be a visiting student out there for my last semester of law school. i should have gone out there this fall when the weather is nice and then come back to huntington in the winter when its nice here and freezing there. but im sort of late planning this so i might just have to go there for the miserable winter. it will be cold, but hopefully ill be able to get rid of this itch i have about living there. we'll see if life even permits it in the first place. and by life i essentially mean the ladies situation. because isnt that pretty much what drives and determines decisions and paths you take in life as a single person in your 20's?
the first photo btw, is at the statue of liberty. we were sure to thank the photographer for taking our photo. did he think we didnt want the statue in the picture? we just wanted to travel all the way out to the island to take our family photo and we wanted him, the stranger to do it. thanks guy. the other photo is what we did most of the time at the met in new york. mom and dad left us, the singlets, to travel the museum on our own. so we just walked around and acted out statutes and paintings and took pictures. good times.

for mormons - the church history sites: they were good. and just good. neat to see, but in a way, just like any other historical building or site out there. neat to see that this is where joseph smith once lived, but when it comes down to it, its not like he's walking around there right now or anything.
however, the sacred grove is fantastic. so fantastic, i dont even really feel like i should talk much about it in this blog. dont travel 3,000 miles to see the baseball hall of fame, or the smith home. DO travel 3,000+ miles to see the sacred grove. its worth the travel, effort, hassle etc. to wander around that forest for a few hours in your lifetime.
dc - i love unexpected and unplanned pleasant events on vacations. for instance, while traveling to the statue of liberty in new york, we nearly died of heat exhaustion on the subway and stumbled out into union square. we didnt plan it, but we were all dying underground so we surfaced at the next stop and luckily it was where there was a farmer's market and a great sandwich shop and not some red light district in east harlem.
so i guess stopping by gettysburg on our way down to dc was planned, but it was unexpected how much i was going to enjoy it. i do like history, but the way they have preserved the area and mapped out everything that happened in that battle is really impressive.

the other stuff in dc is cool as well. i liked the city more the longer we were there. it has a really cool downtown and nice big city feel, which i enjoy. my friend tyler said the other day that if he was still single, he would definitely move to dc or somewhere on the east coast. i dont know what the attraction is. would i really enjoy it out there or is it just 'the grass is always greener on the other side' type of feeling? even though in this case, things actually are a whole lot greener over there.
dang it. i really want to shorten these posts and i didnt mean to make this some diary of my travels. oh well.
Easily the best part of your update is the title. I thought about using it not too long ago to write about my vacation to Cedar City, but traveling seven hours each way only to come home two days later because of a sick baby doesn't really fit with the joyous message the Go-Go's masterpiece.
Will Belinda Carlisle be performing "Heaven is a place on earth" at the concert? If so, we need to be there.
one can only hope she will. i shouldnt be surprised that you would appreciate the go-go's. not after all the great 80's friday nights in the 'bmw.' and i think she probably will sing it. how many songs do they really have? could they even fill an hour set? i guess they could if they do some sort of extended 'we got the beat' remix.
I'm glad you did ramble on about the vacation, I was going to say it was rude of you not to talk about it and that I wanted to hear about it since I'm not one of the singlets and don't get paid-for vacations anymore. Sounds like a great trip. I have friends who have lived there if you need more second opinions...
oops, kent. i think you meant to say you've been wanting to live in BOSTON for such a long time, right? i mean, this really is the city of choice, isn't it? sure, NY has a lot more hype and a lot more movies filmed there, but who are we kidding? you know deep down you wanna be a bostonian for a semester... maybe you should rethink things....
Good update kent. I was beginning to think you'd fallen of the earth or something. I'm glad you didn't. I'm glad you were just on vacation.
"punky, cherie, henry, brandon": your cedar city vaca would definately have been all you ever wanted and more if you could have made it to the rager we threw. Water balloons, water guns and chocolate cake... now that's worth an extra 6 hours in the car right?
That's not the statue of Liberty. It's the back wall of the swim club and you know it! There's no way half the family would go on an awesome trip to the east coast without the other half. The entire vacation was staged by half of the family in order to make the other half very jealous, and let me tell you that it worked!
Seriously though, thanks for the update on the vacation. Sounds like fun and glad you're back. We should hang out at Brigham's sometime on a Saturday very soon.
Go-gos would be fun for about 10 minutes, which is how long it will take to get through all of the songs that I know from them. But hey, it's not that expensive.
its so true. costa rica. east coast getaways. its paid off to be a singlet for as long as possible. every couple of years mom and dad come out with some random and uncharacteristic type vacation that doesnt fail to deliver.
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