but sometimes its hard being from claremont. because no one knows where it is. im always amazed at how little people from l.a. know their geography or where they are in relation to everything else. and i dont know if its their fault or just l.a.'s fault. meaning that l.a. is so spread out and unconnected, well its all connected, but not closely connected. there isnt really a big city feeling at all. so while there are 11 million+ people in the county, youre not really in close proximity to any of them. except while in your car in traffic, but you dont get much person to person interaction in traffic. its not like a new york or something where you throw everyone so close together you cant help but know the city (i think manhattan is only 7 miles long or so). granted, ive never lived in new york, so i dont know that its like that, but i feel like people there are more aware of their surroundings. l.a. is tough because its filled with tons and tons of suburbs. tons. and claremont is just another suburb. so i dont really expect people to know exactly where it is. i dont know where all cities in l.a. are located. ive heard of most of them, but i couldnt tell you where they are exactly. but im always shocked when people dont even know freeways. how are you getting around? oh thats right. youre from the oc and you dont ever leave except maybe to make the long journey down to laguna beach. no. not all oc people are snobs. but they all are ignorant fools.
so here is what happens. people will sometimes ask me where i am from. ill say claremont. sometimes they will have heard of it, sometimes not. which is amazing that some people havnt even heard of a city that is only an hour away from where they live. if i said i was from bisbee, arizona, id expect them not to know where it is. but im not. im saying claremont. its only an hour away. but thats fine. so when they ask where it is, im happy to explain. which i usually do by telling them how they could get there on the freeway. i usually say that its out off the 210 freeway. but this is when things can get interesting. some people are sort of familiar with that freeway, others have never even heard of it. so ill say, 'you know. its the pasadena freeway.' and they will say, 'oh right. ive heard of pasadena. so claremont is near pasadena?' 'well, no. i mean, sort of. claremont is closer pasadena than to huntington beach, but the 210 connects claremont and pasadena.' again, i dont expect you to know where claremont is, but now you havnt even heard of a large freeway.
so theyll usually look at me like im strange for mentioning a freeway they havnt heard of. if i was in utah or another state or something and trying to explain where claremont is, i would have just said its sort of by pasadena. if they havnt heard of that, ill just say, near l.a. but because im in huntington beach and really wanting to let this person know im from a great little legit town, i stick with it. so ill ask them if they are familiar with the 57 freeway. they usually are, as one side of the 57 freeway ends when it hits the 5 freeway, which a main freeway running through parts of the oc. but of course they arent familiar with the other end of the 57 freeway. (the 57 essentially goes from anaheim - near huntington beach to san dimas - near claremont). but sometimes they werent even aware of where that freeway originated. i think some people just think that freeways run forever in all directions. i think some people actually think that if they got on the 405 and drove south that they could make it to chile. so its shocking news to hear that the freeway ends, and no less near my city, which they still havnt heard of. again, i dont expect people to be freeway experts. im not exactly sure where the I-15 ends. or even the I-5. i know it goes up towards sacramento, but i couldnt exactly say where it ends, but i know its general direction. but at least in l.a. i know where it passes and what cities and freeways it intersects etc. but i dont know all of it. and i dont expect others to know either. but the 57 is only about 50 miles long. maybe you havnt driven all of it, but to act like you had no idea where it went once it left orange county is a little embarrassing for you, right? maybe not. probably not. nevermind. youre right. the 57 once it leaves orange county is irrelevant.
so now all i am left with is to start naming cities nearby and hopefully they have heard of one of them. so i usually begin by naming other nice cities in the area. upland, glendora, san dimas, la verne. these are all small communities like claremont, that are also nice, just not as nice, evidenced by their omission from the list. but people usually havnt heard of them, so im left in between a rock and a hard place.
a rock - pomona, a.k.a. 'p-town.' pomona is a hole. its the ghetto. and not just like someone from beverly hills calling a place like santa monica a ghetto (an otherwise really nice town except for homeless people scattered throughout - because it is a beach city). p-town isn like compton bad or east l.a bad. but when the l.a. riots occurred, there wasnt rioting in all of l.a., just a lot of the poorer, shadier neighborhoods, including, some lovely parts of p-town. p-town represented for our area. thanks guys. but pomona is a large city. there are also about 5 freeways that go through or near pomona, so chances are, even your infrequent freeways travelers have gone through pomona. so if i say claremont borders pomona, then they probably know where it is, unfortunately, they also are now afraid of claremont.
the hard place - the 909. you see, a little bit ago, ignorant fools started stereotyping people from cities with a 909 area code. true, i believe that stereotypes exist for a reason. if they werent true, the stereotype wouldnt have started. so the 909 stereotype is that people are white trash, raised ford truck driving, white beater wearing, nascar loving inbreds. and the 909 covers a lot of ground. san bernardino, fontana a.k.a. 'fontucky,' rancho cowabunga, hemet, rialto, ontario etc. basically its a lot of san bernardino county. not just the largest county in the u.s, but also the largest arm pit in the nation. so while the stereotype could be true in certain areas of the 909, its not in claremont. somehow, the people that made the area code put claremont in with all of those other cities, even though claremont isnt in san bernardino county. so if i dont opt for pomona, i have to say, 'well, its out in the 909.' people automatically think its 'super far out there in the middle of no where, with people sitting in their large trucks on their unmowed, brown front lawns all day waiting for it to cool down so they can go out at night and pick up on shady women in their daisy dukes at the local dairy queen.'
but they couldnt be more off about claremont. it doesnt even have a dairy queen. or any fast food for that matter. it wont allow it. nor billboards. nor parking on the street at night without prior permission from the police. and no lawn is brown. when my parents remodeled their home, they let the lawn die because after the home was finished they were going to remodel the yard. the city knew of this remodeling. my parents had to get city permits to remodel. they knew my parents had all intentions of fixing the yard after the house was done, yet the city still sent warning notices to my parents telling them that they were going to fine my parents if they didnt fix their yard. claremont. its a great little anal town. one of the top 5 in the nation. i would dare say. in fact, i will say it. and ill even back it up if necessary.

is that by victorville?
I've told Eric that if we moved back to California I'd want to live in Claremont because it was a great place to grow up.
And I usually tell people it is about 30 miles north but more east of LA and then I mention the colleges and usually that gets them because they want to sound smart. But I don't live in CA so these people are satisfied with that answer because how can they know other cities.
I had no idea about the 909 -- that is snobbery. great post.
Loved the post. I have also had the some of the same conversations as you've had with people. I loved growing up in Claremont and living on Fairmont Drive. I usually only mention that it is near Pomona if nothing else is clicking with people and the conversation is just getting too long and going no where, and it works every time...everyone knows Pomona, much to my chagrin.
I don't know if you noticed, but Lake Mary, Florida is numero cuatro on that list, and we just might have to move there so I can say I have lived in two of the top five best places to live...but I will always have an extra special place in my heart for Claremont...even though I had Mrs. Day for 2nd grade.
Great post. Loved it. Thanks for the shout out too. Funny thing is our old house isn't big at all compared to tons of houses in utah that sell for half the price! Not saying it's not big b/c it was. It's just that people here are just way too house hungry. Kind of sickening acutally. You just don't need houses as big as they are here.
If people are from the OC (don't call it that) then I always tell them it's near Chino cause they have all watched the soap opera about them, but it's about as good as saying we're from Pomona.
I didn't have to read beyond "rock and a hard place" to know EXACTLY where you were going with this.
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