With most birthdays you can't help but think about the year that was or look back on what happened since your previous birthday. Think about where you are and how you got there. It's something that usually fascinates me.
I'm often curious in people's stories and how they got to the point they are in. Few people are actually born homeless or addicted to drugs. Not every rich person was born into wealth. How did they go to where they are at? A person's life and how they got to where they are is always fascinating to me. I think that is why I wanted to do law. A person's story and how they got into their situation is intriguing and always unique. So it's good I spend most of my time in front of a computer. Quality human interaction.
Anyways, instead of dwell on my story for the 20's and analyze whether I am where I want to be or on track for that life goal I haven't quite set, I thought I would try and chart the many places I have gone during my 20's. Sort of like an abbreviated travel/journal entry. Essentially how I physically got to where I am and the many detours in between.
I didn't include any local travel or travel home for things like Thanksgiving or Christmas. I also didn't include any of the many day trips/flights I take for work.
October 13, 2000: Collado Villalba, Spain
Living in the suburb of Madrid about 40 km to the north. Missionary companion: Kyle Flammer. Living with an Elder Mortensen and Elder Jensen. They were "dead" to say the least. Mortensen was going home the next transfer and Jensen had just been "Dear John'd" 22 months into his mission.
It was cold in Villalba as it was up in the foothills and there were some days when Elder Mortensen wouldn't even take off his sweat pants. He would just put on his slacks over his sweat pants, put on a white shirt and tie and go out and proselyte. He'd come home, take off his slacks and he was all ready for bed. Convenient and comfortable. I think Seinfeld accurately explained his usefulness to society:
April 2001: Talavera de la Reina
Moved there from Villalba.

This is where I "lived" until I left Spain. I put lived in quotation marks only because there was quite a bit of traveling those last couple months. Destinations included: Toledo, Caceres, Badajoz, Cuidad Real, Valladolid, Salamanca, Alcala de Henares, Puertollano, Fuenlabrada, Alcazar de San Juan, Avila, and of course, Madrid. I'm probably forgetting some places.
December 2001: Flew back to the United States
January 2002: Provo, UT
The return to the BYU. I lived in Park Plaza apartments with Dave and four other guys. 6 men, 2 bedrooms. Three guys to a bedroom. It was miserable to say the least. One roommate was normal, one was a loose cannon and a breakup away from going on a campus shooting spree, one had turrets and one called himself a "dating machine." You couldn't script a more random and terrible living situation.
April 2002: New Horizon's East
As soon as the semester ended we fled Park Plaza. The new place was a significant upgrade as every guy had his own bedroom. However, the place was old and the sewer downstairs did flood 4-5 times in the two years we lived there. To this day, and especially now that I'm a lawyer, I'm shocked we never did more about it. Sure we complained and they would come out and "fix" the problem, but then it would just happen again 6 months later. We had rights and didn't exercise them as much as we should have.
May 2002: Boise, Idaho
Took a trip to Idaho for a friend's wedding. First, and still only time in Boise. No immediate plans or desire to return.
May 2002: Spain
Went back to Spain with three friends. Madrid to Barcelona to Valencia and then back again to Madrid. Made some stops along the way.
June 2002: Claremont
Moved back to home to work for the summer.
August 2002: Provo
Moved back for school.
October 2002: Logan, UT.
Went to The Howl - a big Halloween party at Utah State University. First and only time in Logan. Again, no immediate plans to return.
February 2003: Jackson Hole, WY and Grand Targhee, ID
Took a snowboarding trip. We stayed in our roommate's grandmother's nursing home guest room. Not sure if you caught that, but we stayed in an old folk's home and it was awesome. Unfortunately, none of the residents joined in on the snowboarding.

First trip to the Garden of Eden (although it doesn't quite look like it from space). On the hike out our friend begged Dave and I to leave her for dead in the canyon. Poor girl didn't have hiking shoes and had blistered feet. She would tell us she was going to die and then would tell us to go on ahead and that she would catch up.
July 2003: San Francisco
Road trip to San Francisco. Maybe one of the more enjoyable road trips ever. We spent about 24 hours in the car and about 18 hours in San Francisco. Good times. Danny Kormylo peed in a plastic bottle and then threw it at our friends who were driving in another car. So that happened.
August 2003: Costa Rica
Family vacation to Costa Rica. Just the parents and three youngest (non-married) siblings went. It pays to be single.
August 2003: Mesa and Tucson Arizona
Flew to Mesa to see about a girl. Visited sister and bro-in-law in Tucson. I bought a U of A t-shirt but never checked the size. It was an XL. I still have it even though I hardly wear it because it's too big. Every time I do I feel like I'm back in 8th grade wearing shirts two sizes too big. But I did buy a sweet Spain jacket on that trip that I still wear to this day. Dave has already claimed it after I die.
February 2004: Las Vegas
Road trip to Vegas.
April 2004: Las Vegas
Another road trip to Vegas. This time for Lindsey's track meet. Stayed at a friend's house. The last night there we were eating at the friend's parent's country club. We wanted to splurge on our last night and order a nice dinner. So we did, fully intending on paying for the meal. Little did we know that you don't pay for the meals, but they are just added on to the member's tab. So we couldn't pay. I think we offered but they of course told us not to worry about it. I think we may have even ordered oysters. Felt kinda bad after that one.
April 2004: Moved to 761 N. University Ave. in Provo
One house, 12 guys. Roommates were much better than the Park Plaza apartment. Still a lot of guys though. Our land(slum)lord was fittingly named Dick.
July (?) 2004: Littleton, CO
Drove to Littleton for a weekend to see about a girl. Never been back to Colorado but I like what I saw. Plus, I hear good things. Nellie and I would move there if we ever left CA.

Second trip to the Garden.
August 2005: Claremont, CA
Graduated from college and moved back in with my parents, because I was cool.
September 2005: Provo, UT
Went back up to Provo for a football game. And because I couldn't get enough of the place.
December 2005: Mesa, AZ
Quick trip to Mesa to check up on a girl. Not the smartest decision. She was still alive. That's pretty much all that was accomplished on that trip.
April 2006: New York City
Flew to New York for same reasons as above. So I was maybe a little desperate and/or stuck in a fog. But I did get to see a Yankees/Red Sox game at Yankee Stadium. That was great. Plus, NYC is always awesome regardless of the company.
July 2006: Honolulu, HI
The first of two free trips paid for by Karl's employer. Literally went there for a weekend. Flew in on Friday and left on Sunday. Not the best way to experience Hawaii for the first time, but can't really complain when it's free. Memorable moment was going to the Polynesian Cultural Center and Karl demanding our money back after the luau because he wasn't impressed with the food or the surroundings.
August 2006: Garden Grove, CA
Moved to the Garbage Grove. Actually not a terrible apartment. Just a random city and location.

The second free trip by Karl's employer. This one was also quick but in NYC. Karl needed a date for his company's Christmas party. Since I was single and always willing to accept free flights, and since Karl doesn't discriminate when it comes to dating or to choosing Christmas party dates, we were a great match. I think Karl ended up hating that job, but I thought it was pretty great.
March 2007: New York City
I was on a New York roll. I just wanted to feel cool so I kept on going back. It was actually another free trip. I guess I was lucky or something. Or just knew how to accept free offers.
May (?) 2007: Yosemite, CA
Climbed half dome with the brothers and father.
May 2007: Huntington Beach, CA
I don't know what it is about me and living with more guys than should be allowed in one space, but our house had 8 guys in it including one living in the garage and living on the roof/balcony. We were less than a block from the ocean. So that was cool. The house was trashed though and always dirty.

The second trip with the parents and the younger siblings. NYC, upstate NY and Washington DC. Great trip. We were spoiled as younger siblings with some of the vacations. Not saying that the vacations with the entire family weren't better or fun in their own right, just not as cool.
November 2007: Seattle, Washington
Thanksgiving at the sister's in Seattle. First time in Seattle, not to be the last. Great place and really fun...to visit.
December 2007: Las Vegas, NV
Nellie invited me to her work Christmas party in Las Vegas. We weren't dating at the time. We spent the night in the same hotel room. One would think this might be inappropriate for a variety of reasons or that a spark or something might occur during our stay together. However, Nellie still wasn't attracted to me and wouldn't touch me with a 10 foot pole. The sexual tension coming from her was one sided to say the least. Which I think actually means there wasn't any tension, more just one-sided frustration.

Sexual tension finally started coming on. Went snowboarding in Utah and went to Sundance. We stayed at my Aunt and Uncle's quaint little cabin. It was actually anything but. The lodging and the food makes you feel like you are staying at a resort. I suggest everyone book a weekend at the Clark Hideaway.
February 2008: Arizona
The first Ragnar. Memorable, but only in retrospect. At the time it was pretty terrible.
March 2008: Gilbert, Arizona
Nellie dragged me back to Arizona to babysit her nieces and nephews for a weekend. We also went to a spring training game. That was back when the Angels still had Vlad and were awesome. I hope we win the Carl Crawford sweepstakes.
May 2008: Long Beach, CA
Moved into the Grandma's old house in Long Beach. The place was in terrible condition when Zach and I first moved in. No fridge. No hot water. No electricity throughout the house. It was essentially a glorified garage. I would say it was ideal conditions for studying for the bar since there weren't many distractions, but I think the conditions were only ideal if you were a squatter.
May 2008: San Francisco, CA
Took a road trip prior to the bar.

Went to Vegas for a bachelor party prior to the wedding. If that picture doesn't look like a bunch of guys that just went wild in Vegas and dominated the city, then I don't know what does. Viva la Bermuda Suite.
August 2008: Kauai, HI
Honeymoon. We honeymooned.
October 2008: Provo, UT
Went back to the Alma Mater for Homecoming. It was snowing in October. We remembered why we chose to live in Orange County.
November 2008: Seattle, WA
Thanksgiving in Seattle. Two years in a row. I think I've spent 7 days in Seattle and it's only rained one day. This whole Seattle is wet and rainy is a bunch of bull. It's always sunny in Seattle.
February 2009: Santa Barbara, CA and San Luis Obispo, CA
April 2009: Santa Barbara, CA
Ragnar part II. Better team, better location, but there were route issues. It was actually pretty easy, well, except for Zach.
April 2009: Vegas
Sister's graduation. Go Rebels.
Madrid, Segovia, Burgos, San Sebastian. France: Avignon, Cannes, Paris, Normandy. Also flew in and out of London if that counts. Thanks to everyone who recommended we take this trip. Still one of our better early marriage decisions. In 4 months that trip won't be so easy/nearly impossible. It was the best use of a tax return.
October 2009: Boston, MA and Connecticut
I'd name the city in Connecticut but I think there's only one. Fortunately Nellie's brother happens to live in that city.
December 2009: Yosemite, CA
Holiday trip to Yosemite. Even though I was no longer single, Nellie and I were still invited so it was sort of like another younger siblings vacation. Some traditions die hard.
June 2010: Seal Beach, CA
Moved from the LBC. We are three blocks from the beach. Seal Beach is pretty great.
August 2010: Provo Canyon, UT
West family reunion. Highlight was everyone getting sick on the last day there. Meaning everyone. We had 6 adults and two kids in our van. The night before we came home 5 of the 6 adults were throwing up. I was the fortunate one to not get sick because I'm tough. I consequently became the designated driver for the ride home.
October 13, 2010: Seal Beach to San Jose Airport to Monterrey
There and back before 5 p.m. I guess I included one work trip. It just seemed fitting that it happened on my birthday.
So there it is. Ten years and a bunch of trips. A pretty good list. Surely not as much as some. It pales in comparison to Nellie's list (Jerusalem, China, Peru, all of Europe...), but I'm happy with it. Particularly because I'm optimistic that I'll continue to go places in my 30's. I'll let you know how it goes. Assuming of course this blog still exists in 10 years.